Closest Approach
Max Dur

2025-Feb-13, 20:01 UT
(86) Semele(13.8 m)
UCAC4 505-003348(13.50 m) [RUWE: 1.05]
13.5 m
12.9 m
0.1 m
3.86 sec

Data SourcesLast Updated (UT)Orbit DateError (PW *)Error (time)Path Diff **
Horizons/GaiaEDR3 default13 Feb, 04:04 (by OWC) 11 Feb 2025 (JPL#133) 0.010.2 sec-
Horizons/GaiaEDR3 02 Feb, 12:37 (by John Talbot) 12 Dec 2024 (JPL#132+INTG) 0.010.2 sec+12 m
Horizons/GaiaEDR3 29 Dec, 14:11 (by Jiří Kubánek) 10 Oct 2024 (JPL#131+INTG) 0.010.2 sec+0.14 km -1 sec
* PW = path widths;** Across and along path difference between predictions. Across path shift is computed on the Fundamental Plane, where '-' indicates a left and '+' a right path shift.
Countries in 1-σ Zone (11)
BelarusGermanyIrelandKazakhstanMexicoNetherlandsPolandRussiaUkraineUnited KingdomUnited States of America
Tags (2)
Shadow crossing the Earth for 6:23 min from 19:58:46 UT to 20:05:09 UT
(3) Broom-Lynne L Home [Medium] Luke Broom-Lynne [No observation - Clouded out](2) Chalin [High] Anna Marciniak [No observation - Snowing](6) Haymes T Home [Medium] Tim Haymes [No observation](7) Kidd S Home [Medium] Simon Kidd [Was clouded out or failed to observe](5) Home Legionowo [Low or inexperienced] Daniel Antuszewicz [No observation - Clouded out](11) Leidse Sterrewacht [High] Wim Nobel [No observation - Clouded out](4) Andersson S Home [High] Mueggelheim Observatory [Was clouded out or failed to observe](10) Max [High] Eberhard Dolberg [No observation - snow](1) Borowiec [High] Anna Marciniak [No observation - Clouded out](9) Wakefield N Home [Low or inexperienced] Nigel Wakefield [No observation - Clouded out]centershadow1-sigma2 & 3-sigma10 km
Stations (10)
-28.9 kmLuke Broom-LynneNo observation - Clouded out
3.9 kmAnna MarciniakNo observation - Snowing
5.0 kmTim HaymesNo observation
12.7 kmSimon KiddWas clouded out or failed to observe
15.9 kmDaniel AntuszewiczNo observation - Clouded out
22.3 kmWim NobelNo observation - Clouded out
23.5 kmMueggelheim ObservatoryWas clouded out or failed to observe
29.0 kmEberhard DolbergNo observation - snow
35.4 kmAnna MarciniakNo observation - Clouded out
59.6 kmNigel WakefieldNo observation - Clouded out

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